Wednesday, June 27, 2012

First Impressions: Pixar's Brave & The Amazing Spider-Man video game

These are just my first thoughts on the new Pixar movie "Brave", and the new Spider-Man video game. Might do a review of these later. 


  • Animation is superb, one of Pixar's best (if not the best)
  • Characters were enjoyable
  • The story was well done, good dialogue between the characters
  • Stirred up some emotions in me (not unlike Toy Story 3)
The Amazing Spider-Man (VG)

  • Very fun, feels like a thought-out Spider-Man game
  • Open-world is probably the best yet as far as Spider-Man games go
  • Despite none of the movie actors voice acting, the vocal cast is pretty good, Spidey sounds like Spidey
  • Rogue gallery is made up of mostly C-list villains, but are changed enough to make them interesting
  • Combat controls are similar to Batman: Arkham City, which fits Spider-Man nicely
  • Story is pretty good, catches interest as well as "officially" being canon with the movie timeline
Not a bad day.


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